SwagExchange can help you find a new home for that unused or unwanted swag, freeing up thousands of dollars in warehouse costs or valuable space in your office.
SwagExchange is full of swag-loving superfans who work at some of the hottest companies in the industry. Our community is eager to learn more about your startup and rock your swag wherever they go!
Are you looking for a new way to attract customers, and candidates? SwagExchange is the perfect way to tell your story and reach your hiring, marketing, and brand awareness goals! All by leveraging your existing swag investment and our community reach tools.
Employees want brag that they work for a company that positively impacts our world. This I why we encourage you to share that we take 1% of your yearly investment in SwagExchange and give it back to the planet. We also partner with you on making swag a more sustainable part of your employee experience, and brand.
Below are a few stats we've gathered from across various sources online to help you better understand how your swag impacts our planet, your business and customers.
Of your swag is given to others.
Of your swag end up in landfills.
Of consumers value an eco-friendly brand.
Of consumers remember the companies that give them swag.
2.5X of customers are more likely to have a positive opinion of swag compared to online advertising.
Of consumers under 55 prefer swag over all other mediums of advertising.
Below are the answers to the questions you have.
Fill out the form below, and we'll be in touch within 24 hours (M-F) with the next steps on how we can parner with you. In most cases, we can have you all set up and running in just a few days.